Ontario doctor faces job loss after comparing public health measures to Nazi Germany (UPDATED)

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  • Joseph Bambrick
    Joseph Bambrick
    June 27, 2021 at 2:29 am

    Dr Patrick Phillips is a Canadian HERO!!!
    These courageous doctors being threatened for simply respecting their Hippocratic oath is deplorable and outrageous!
    The only investigation required is of the officials at the CPSO who appear to be jeopardizing our public health, in order to push some sort of hidden government agenda.
    Everyday, more substantial evidence proves these doctors are on the right side of history and hopefully, someday, guilty officials will be on the wrong side of a jail cell.
    Dr. Phillips would make Terry Fox proud.
    Joseph Bambrick

  • Randy Randonson
    Randy Randonson
    August 14, 2021 at 4:59 pm

    “I still have a job but will likely lose it soon. If I do I will reach out for financial assistance” Yep, another whacko trying to raise $$ off his misinformed, anti-scientific cult members. Shameful. Go get a job where you can’t harm others.

  • arlene
    August 21, 2021 at 1:08 pm

    Please Dr. Phillips keep fighting.

  • Gloria K
    Gloria K
    August 24, 2021 at 11:34 pm

    I wonder what other deadly illnesses Dr. Phillips has decided that he doesn’t wish to treat with medically-accepted treatments due to some weird ideological quirk or plain misunderstanding of science? Being Dr. Phillips’ patient could be dangerous to your health. He needs to be closely watched and investigated.

  • Michael G Ficker
    Michael G Ficker
    September 7, 2021 at 10:41 pm

    As a former Englehart resident, I would have been honoured to have Dr Phillip’s as my family physician. I will be praying for him. Truth will overcome the lies and propaganda fed to us by the main stream media, government, and “Government medical Bureaucrats” following an agenda. There is no debate anymore, only one agenda to follow. Censorship is at an all time high (can you say communism?). Time for everyone to turn off the TV (brainwashing) and start doing your own research. When you find the truth, you will not be happy!

  • Elmer Doell
    Elmer Doell
    September 8, 2021 at 11:12 pm

    Dr. Phillips is a hero!
    The CPSO, CMO @TamiskamingHU along with Tam,Trudeau,Hajdu are obviously under payola of THE NEW WORLD ORDER, Agenda-21, George Soros and the Fauci Cabal!
    Big Pharma et al are an evil bunch of oligarchs!

  • Slippery Pete
    Slippery Pete
    November 21, 2021 at 7:30 pm

    Well, that certainly proved him right.


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