Chris Sky / Caryma Sa’d show in Chinatown disrupted by ANTIFA

Toronto Lawyer Caryma Sa’d planned a comedy event at 420 cannabis court in Chinatown that featured notorious “anti-masker” Chris Sky tonight. However, a group of Antifa militants decided to take the law into their own hands, and block access to the show. Sa’d states that Antifa members were being violent and used force against some of the attendees. Sa’d was shocked that far-left Antifa would act this way. An Antifa-linked account announced today it planned on disrupting Sa’d’s show. Sa’d now claims she plans on doing a recorded interview with Sky, as opposed to a live interview. The Antifa-linked group responsible for shutting down the event is reportedly linked to Friends of Chinatown. Congratulations @chinatownFOCT, you turned an event that was supposed to feature diverse voices at variance with the anti-mask/vaxx movement into a Chris Sky rally. He was never going to be “platformed” in the context of my event. Your so-called counter protest created violence. — Caryma Sa'd – Lawyer (@CarymaRules) July 11, 2021 Antifa could be defined as “a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology.” Online, Antifa-aligned accounts usually display their affiliation to … Continue reading Chris Sky / Caryma Sa’d show in Chinatown disrupted by ANTIFA