‘This is checkmate’: Chris Sky permanently suspended from Twitter

Mark Slapinski

Chris Saccoccia aka Chris Sky, the infamous anti-mask advocate, was banned from Twitter permanently Monday morning. The move to suspend Sky’s account was met with praise online, leading to his name trending on Twitter.

Chris Sky made a name for himself organizing and speaking at anti-lockdown rallies across the country. On Monday, the infamous “freedom fighter” found himself permanently banned from Twitter. He was previously banned from Instagram.

In response, Caryma Sa’d stated, “he thinks he’ll be back, but he’s useless without social media. This is checkmate. Careful about spreading his word going forward.” Sa’d is a lawyer and political commentator based out of Toronto that has spent the last year researching the far-right and documenting anti-lockdown protests.

It is unclear why Sky’s account was permanently suspended. However, Twitter forbids using its platform to spread “misleading” information on COVID-19, something Sky has done on multiple occasions. According to Twitter’s rules:

You may not use Twitter’s services to share false or misleading information about COVID-19 which may lead to harm. 

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1 Comment

  • GOD
    July 15, 2022 at 7:15 am

    Great journalism.


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