Far-left activists threaten police officers ahead of Jan. 29 rally

Mark Slapinski

Chief Peter Sloly of the Ottawa Police announced Wednesday that far-left activists have made threats against cops in the city. While not mentioning the group by name, Sloly stated Ottawa police received a “direct threat” from a counter-protest source. Far-left activist groups such as Antifa have been involved in violent activities before.

Police in Ottawa are worried about violence during the upcoming protest against Justin Trudeau slated for Jan. 29 in the nation’s capital. Members of Antifa, a violent counter-protest group, have been making plans to disrupt the peaceful protest, including intimidating police officers and threatening their lives. Chief Sloly stated to CTV News, “I can tell you that within the last 24 hours the Ottawa Police Service received a direct threat from a counter-protest source to the safety of our officers.”

This is cause for concern to many in Ottawa, as Antifa has used violence on numerous occasions. In 2020, a member of Antifa reportedly shot and killed a Trump supporter, and was placed under investigation. The Antifa member was later killed by police after they claim he shot at officers. More recently, an alleged Antifa member was arrested in Florida after police found explosives in his home.

Clarification: The article was updated to remove “Antifa” and replace it with the more appropriate “far-left activist.” Read more about our editorial standards.

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  • swonchek
    January 29, 2022 at 12:35 pm

    Mark Slapinski, why you guys post a picture of antifa commie bastard from hamburg? It show on his hoody, he is from St Pauli in Hamburg Germany and this picture was taken during the riots about 3 years ago…..

  • Copper Peony
    Copper Peony
    January 29, 2022 at 11:17 pm

    A whistleblower said that Trudeau paid Antifa 45 million dollars to create a lot of trouble and for the police to blame the truckers for it. I wouldn’t put it past him.
    Maybe a deep dive into this would let the people of Canada know the truth.

  • MR
    February 3, 2022 at 11:22 am

    Antifa are the protestors and tactics Justin Trudeau supports. They are coming to his aid.


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