Tucker Carlson claims Justin Trudeau is the son of former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro

Tucker Carlson jokingly claimed that Justin Trudeau’s mother was not faithful to her husband Pierre.

Tucker Carlson, host of one of the most watched shows on cable television before his ouster in 2023, jokingly claimed that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is actually the son of Fidel Castro, and not Pierre Trudeau.

Carlson claimed that “people have talked for quite some time now that Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada to our North, is actually the son of a famous dictator.”

For evidence, Carlson provides a clip of Trudeau’s mother calling Castro a “charmer,” then states that “for sure” Trudeau is the son of Castro.

This popular conspiracy theory has made its rounds on social media for years, with many people of the belief that Trudeau is the son of the former Cuban dictator.

However, this claim has been debunked on a number of occasions. Canadian historian Robert Wright has picked apart the theory, stating that Trudeau was born on December 25, 1971 and that Margaret Trudeau didn’t meet Castro until 1976.

According to Wright, “Their biographies just don’t intersect at all.” Even right-leaning columnist Tristin Hopper wrote an article ripping apart the popular rumour.

Tristin Hopper acknowledged that while it is implausible that Trudeau is the son of Fidel Castro, they do look very similar.

UPDATE: This article was reworked on Jul. 16, 2023. Read more about our editorial standards.

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  • Pyrrho
    February 8, 2022 at 6:46 pm

    I found this article after watching Carlson. You are wrong on so many levels.

    1.) You say Tucker claims this. Carlson says many claim this. I say he never claims it, but says, “Frankly, it APPEARS to be true.” Which is close, but no cigar.

    2.) You call it a “conspiracy theory”, which has been “debunked”. Then, a few sentence later, after off-handedly mentioning that Castro met Trudeau’s mother, hahahahaha, you substitute “improbable”, hahahahahahahaha. Piece of work.

    Maybe working with your mind isn’t what you were meant to do?

    Essentially, you and Carlson are saying the same thing, just erring on different sides, hedging your bets: Both of you are saying there is room for doubt. And then you link to these three pairs of photos, comparing Trudeau and Castro, where the resemblance is next to uncanny. Seriously? We’re doing this?

    • Catherine
      February 17, 2022 at 1:22 am

      A picture states a thousand words. Let’s get a DNA from Justin, and make it public. You’d have to get him drunk first though.

  • Dan
    June 3, 2023 at 4:01 pm

    trudeau is also a lookalike of David Meyer Rothschild and his parents are Norwegian royal lookalikes ; Castro also looks like Liam Neisen who has a son that resembles Justin. they play many roles. Tucker Carlson appears to be playing the role of DeSantis and is also Thad Luckinbill, Lucie Arnaz jr.’s son


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