Men will continue to dominate women’s sports if we let them

Mark Slapinski


Lia Thomas made waves after “she” won the NCAA, but not because of “her” athletic ability. It was because “she” is actually a biological man, that switched genders before entering the race. If men can switch genders, and compete in women’s sports, it’s inevitable that men will continue to steal medals from women.

Lia Thomas, from the University of Pennsylvania, made history on Thursday as the first biological man to win an NCAA swimming championship when “she” was declared the winner for the 500m freestyle. Thomas’ win has been described as being similar to a South Park episode. And I agree. The fact that man won a women’s swimming championship is a sign of a nation in decline.

Men have obvious physical advantages when it comes to sports. Thomas cheated by participating in the race. It’s the equivalent of a boxer fighting outside of one’s weight-class. And by the NCAA declaring “her” a winner, they have made a mockery out of the sport. Not only that, but they have encouraged other men to conveniently switch genders so they can steal medals from hardworking biological females.

I’m based in Canada, which is similar to America, in the sense, it is a free country. And if a person pays their taxes, obeys the laws, and does everything else they are supposed to do, I don’t care if they want to switch genders. If a man wants to become a woman, that’s their choice. But if they want to compete in sports, they should have to compete with other men. It may upset the small group of trans people we have in society, but since when was society so sensitive to people’s feelings?

People are so afraid of hurting other people’s feelings that they have allowed sports to become a mockery. This needs to end. Or else we’ll see men continue to dominate women’s sports.

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