Toronto journalist Mark Slapinski explains why the US government needs to buy Bitcoin


It may seem counter-intuitive, but the US government would be wise to invest in Bitcoin, and to do so fast. Russia has been buying up Bitcoin like crazy, with reports that the country may soon accept Bitcoin for oil transactions.

Toronto journalist Mark Slapinski explains in a recent blog post why the US government needs to get into the Bitcoin game:

As countries around the world look for ways to reduce their reliance on the US Dollar, they are turning to alternative currencies. This includes cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. If the US government wants to maintain its global dominance, and stop Russia from gaining more ground economically, it only has one choice: buy more Bitcoin.

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A recent Reddit post by Mark Slapinski was republished by Crypto New Media.
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1 Comment

  • Jo
    May 2, 2022 at 6:15 am

    You should be ashamed of yourself, you need a good talking to, dont run for any campaigns as you will loose. Do you think anyone would vote for someone so put of touch with the people, awa n bile yards heid ( for English viewers it means go and put your head in some boiling water ) Your brain defo needs a re boot!


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