BUSTED: Ryan Imgrund loses teaching license, locks account

Ryan Imgrund, notorious troll and friend of disgraced radio host Dean Blundell, has lost his teaching license. His Twitter account is now locked.

Ryan Imgrund made a name for himself as a bio-statistician, frequently appearing on the news to talk about Covid-19 models. Now, it appears Imgrund is in trouble with the Ontario College of Teachers, having his teaching certificate suspended.

On April 27, 2022, the Adjudicative Body of Chairs directed the Registrar to suspend on an interim basis the Certificate of Qualification and Registration of the member until the allegations against the member have been disposed of by the Investigation Committee, Discipline Committee or Fitness to Practise Committee.

Ontario College of Teachers website

It is unclear why Imgrund had his teaching credentials suspended. Requests for comment by Toronto 99 went unanswered. One of Imgrund’s colleagues, Dr. David Fisman was contacted for comment, but Toronto 99 did not receive an immediate response.

Imgrund has repeatedly drawn the ire of people on both sides of the political spectrum. Imgrund has even been slammed for attacking teachers. In a post from April, a Reddit user stated, “Ryan Imgrund is now going after… the teachers ?? What the heck did we ever do to you Ryan?

Imgrund has been described as a “Twitter troll” by other health professionals, and has been accused of lying about being a member of the Covid Science Ontario Table. Many others described unpleasant experiences with Imgrund.

UPDATE: Ryan Imgrund has since re-opened his social media accounts after the article was published. He is currently facing an investigation for “sexually abusing” students. A source told Toronto 99 that he is under investigation by the York Regional Police (YRP), but this hasn’t been confirmed. Read more about our editorial standards.

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