VIDEO: Ben Shapiro pushes back against CBC hit-piece falsely tying him to extremism

A famous right-wing commentator is pushing back against false narratives spread by Canada’s state broadcaster.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) published a hit-piece on conservative commentator Ben Shapiro on Monday falsely linking him to “extremist communities.”

The article states that Shapiro’s views “are controversial — and some are outright discriminatory.” The podcast host pushed back on Tuesday, denying the claims made by CBC.

Shapiro debunks the article step-by-step, even going as far as denouncing the “alt-right.” It is a fact that Ben Shapiro has separated himself from the movement on multiple occasions.

The conservative superstar pointed out he has threatened legal action against publications that have inaccurately labelled him as “alt-right.”

The Economist issued a retraction after falsely claiming Shapiro is an “alt-right sage.”

The right-wing commentator defended his position on transgender people, stating that trans people have a mental illness known as gender dysphoria.

CBC is funded by the Canadian tax-payer and has long been accused of having a left-wing bias. The state broadcaster has a history of getting stories wrong and being sued successfully for defamation.

CBC put out several false stories about the Freedom Convoy, eventually issuing retractions after being called out on social media.

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