Chrystia Freeland to resign, may take job at NATO – reports (UPDATED)

Will Chrystia Freeland’s political career end at her own hands? According to unconfirmed reports, the answer to that question is yes.

Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s deputy prime minister and grand-daughter of a Nazi-aligned propagandist, is set to resign in the next two weeks.

The unconfirmed report comes from “independent journalist” Truck Driver Pleb. He did not provide any evidence for his claim, except to say “multiple sources” have confirmed the information to be true.

Pleb often comments on issues of national significance, and has been consistently critical of the Trudeau government, as well as Mrs. Freeland. It is yet to seen whether his reports are accurate, or just conjecture.

If true, the reports will come as welcome news to many Canadians, as evidenced in Pleb’s comment section. According to one woman, if Pleb’s reports are accurate, it will confirm her belief that God is real.

It has been rumoured that Freeland is line to accept a top role at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

According to an article published by the state broadcaster in Sep. 2022, Freeland has a “legitimate shot” at the top NATO job. The CBC article states:

“At least four different sources — in Ottawa, Washington and Brussels, where NATO is headquartered â€” say Freeland’s name has been tossed around for several months in international defence and security circles as a potential successor to the current secretary general, former Norwegian prime minister Jens Stoltenberg, who has been in the job since 2014.”

Like the reports from Pleb, the reports of Freeland taking a job at NATO are still unconfirmed. CBC has a history of spreading inaccurate information, and has been sued successfully for defamation on multiple occasions.

Only time will tell if Canada’s second-in-command will leave her post for a well-paid job at NATO, or whether she will stick around as deputy prime minister.

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UPDATE: As of Feb. 27, 2023 Chrystia Freeland has not resigned, indicating that the “Pleb Reporter” either lied, or had unreliable sources. Read more about our editorial standards.

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  • Andrea Liv
    Andrea Liv
    January 28, 2023 at 9:23 pm

    I could see it happening. There is nothing left to rob from Canadians now. Job well done.

  • M.S.Joyal
    January 30, 2023 at 2:07 am

    🇨🇦 How much of our taxpayers’ money has she sent them (NATO + Ukraine) before she bails out ? With her life long hate history towards Russia, she’ll send the world into WWIII, nuclear-wise. Plus, NATO is probably a safer place for her to hide, when needed, from Military Justice or, at least, for what’s left of any Justice…


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