Olivia Chow may be coming for your gas stove – Brian Lilley

A Toronto Sun columnist warned that the new mayor of Toronto may be coming for the city’s gas powered appliances.

Olivia Chow, alleged Chinese asset, will be Toronto’s first far-left mayor. Conservative columnist Brian Lilley warns that she may follow New York’s lead and try to ban gas stoves, and other gas powered appliances.

In an article titled, Under Chow, expect council to focus on everything but you, Lilley writes:

We’re talking about banning leaf blowers and weed whackers at City Hall, can the demands to ban gas stoves and wood fired pizza ovens be far behind?

Welcome to the new City Hall, where thanks to Olivia Chow’s election win last week, progressive councillors and the even more progressive staffers will feel emboldened.

On Wednesday, the city’s Infrastructure and Environment Committee debated banning all two stroke engines in Toronto.

That would be your gas-powered lawn mowers, weed whackers, leaf blowers and even chainsaws.

Using an electric lawn mower or weed whacker on the lawn of your suburban home is pretty easy to do — I’ve done it.

Using those same products on the large scale needed by lawn maintenance companies or even the city’s own parks department is another matter.

Read the full article by Brian Lilley at the Toronto Sun here.

The state of New York has banned gas stoves, furnaces and propane heating in most new residential buildings, as was reported by CNN.

To be fair, Olivia Chow has not explicitly announced a full ban on gas stoves, but there is no reason to suspect she won’t follow progressive New York’s lead.

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