Toronto mayor-elect Olivia Chow is a Chinese Asset – National Post

The National Post has corroborated earlier reporting that suggested Chow had ties to Communist China.

Groups with ties to the Communist regime in mainland China have taken credit for securing Olivia Chow’s victory in the recent Toronto mayoral race.

Chow has denied soliciting help from groups linked to the CCP, however Toronto 99 previously reported that she met with at least two organizations connected to Communist China in the run-up to the election.

Now it has been confirmed that CCP-aligned groups “went all out” to make sure their preferred candidate Olivia Chow got elected, according to a bombshell scoop by the National Post.

In an article published on Monday, journalist Tom Blackwell wrote:

Evidence that the Fuqing Business Association and the Confederation of Toronto Chinese Canadian Organizations (CTCCO) worked to help get Chow elected on June 26 — even if their participation was not requested (or, arguably, needed) — raises further questions about the involvement of Beijing and its local allies in Canadian politics.

The groups’ participation is worrying because “they work too close to the Chinese government,” said an immigrant from mainland China and small-business owner in the Greater Toronto Area, who asked not to be named for fear of retribution.

“I want to ask them, ‘What is your purpose, why did you try to help Olivia Chow?’ … We don’t want any outside power to influence this country.”

Read the full article by Tom Blackwell of the National Post here.

Chris Sky was the only notable mayoral candidate to call out Chow for her alleged ties to Communist China. For whatever reason, the other candidates chose not to make Chow’s ties to the CCP an election issue.

Sky officially came in 9th place in the recent election, however he claims that he lost the election due to fraud. Toronto 99 has not been able to verify these claims by Sky, and he didn’t respond to a request for an interview.

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1 Comment

  • Robert Chase
    July 11, 2023 at 4:34 pm

    Chris Sky was the only notable mayoral candidate to call out Chow for her alleged ties to Communist China. Plus, she was not borne in Canada and is a known communist. Why was Chow allowed to run at all. This is electoral fraud. We know our dictator Trudeau is a communist and is well supported by the Chinese. Chow did NOT win this election! Chris sky did. She was fraudulently placed as mayor by Trudeau! Voting is clearly a complete fraud and no-one should ever vote again, unless it is by paper votes, NOT phone-in vote or by computers. This election should be redone and another vote taken by paper votes only! The government is so corrupt no-one can trust them or believe in them. They all need to be tried by the Nuremberg tribunal and all held accountable. The government “does NOT write laws”, we the people do. A civil war is coaming soon and the people will be looking for all these corrupt politicians and they will be held accountable. They fail to realize this! It will be the people coming for them as history has demonstrated. Their will be no mercy for them. Olivia Chow should be removed from office immediately !


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