‘ArriveScam’: Trudeau may face jail time for fraud

Jail time is back on the table as the RCMP investigate potential fraud and corruption in relation to the ArriveCan app.

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau earned himself the nickname “Teflon Trudeau” for his ability to engage in unethical or criminal activity and not lose his political career or freedom once caught.

However, his luck may be running out, as the RCMP are currently investigating the Liberal government for potential fraud and other corrupt practices in regards to the ArriveCan app.

Conservative MP Barrett confirmed on X (Twitter) that the RCMP is “investigating Justin Trudeau’s ArriveScam.” This follows reports by the Globe and Mail that the RCMP are investigating the Liberals and may be prepared to press charges.

Trudeau has narrowly avoided criminal charges for bad behaviour in the past. He avoided sexual assault charges after inappropriately touching a female reporter.

The Canadian prime minister narrowly avoided being charged with fraud after he took an illegal vacation with billionaire Aga Khan.

Whether Canadian police chose to do their jobs and hold Trudeau criminally responsible for swindling taxpayers in regards to the ArriveCan app is yet to be seen.

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  • Ricardo Seales
    Ricardo Seales
    March 6, 2024 at 7:02 pm

    yes trudeau should be held for all the crooked things he has done to canadians we never asked for him to run the coUNTRY THIS WAY HE NEEDS TO BE IN JAIL NOW

  • Henry B
    Henry B
    April 9, 2024 at 2:46 pm

    In reply to some of the other replies I have seen is that 1) We should consider treason charges, now I’m not sure how far charges of treason would carry in today’s clime but Treason was usually rewarded with 1) Banishment (and we cannot allow that to happen! 2) The stocks and then imprisonment in the dungeon 3) In some countries if you steal they chop off your hands if you’re convicted of thievery 4) Public hangings, rows of gallows (there’s a lot of guilty people!) 5) The Guillotine 6) Firing Squad 7) Public stoning 8) Buried neck deep in a Red ant colony and so on. I think everybody gets the idea. It would be much safer for everybody if he doesn’t receive the full Khadaffi treatment or the Saddam treatment. But some deep dark and damp hole where they are fed regular food like we have to eat (Hospital food might be a better option yes?) But we need to take all their money that they have hidden in foreign investments and banks in Dubai, Cayman Islands or Swiss banks??? But the wasted trillion $ not including billions more to come,….. well we’ll never get any of that money back. Its been spread out among-st their supporters, back benchers, family and close friends of the certain elite families…. (They aren’t all smart you know, not everybody gets into the cash for life program!) the hidden shadow ministers, the crooked press. A bloated Press Bureaucracy that isn’t democratic or honest in any way and only write what one office tells them to write. They have to do this or they’ll lose their billions of dollars of government funding to only tell 1/2 the truth ALWAYS! News companies shouldn’t get paid for the news but should rather have to go out and get scoops like private media outlets and get paid by the story like everybody else.
    But in any case I ask young people if they get out and vote and a lot of them say they don’t. I always get the same answer…. like what difference will it make? So so dumb! So get off your asses and the couch and stop being lazy all you Millennial’s and Gen Z, and we’ll take the rest of you Gen’s too. In any case Canada needs your vote, not only to save our lives but to save yours and your kids lives too. To build a future everybody can afford if they work for it, right now things need to change in that area so young families can repopulate Canada again and afford it. And with the child tax credits out there if everything else wasn’t exorbitantly priced the Child Tax benefit could be used for a lot of children’s play events. Structured or independent? . I’m not going to ask nor coerce you into choosing any particular party as I want to stay bi-artisan still at a time when I should be partisan. But get off your asses, watch some u tube politics and see what our country is facing. Question will be, do you guys want whats being promised by one or the other? I know you would make the right choice and even ask your parents or older brothers and sisters for some advice and hopefully they will explain whats at stake in the upcoming election. Canada needs your votes this time and please don’t let the grass get in your eyes!


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