Girl Guides of Canada CANCELS Christmas

An organization that purports to be inclusive has gone woke and is depriving young girls of the magic of Christmas.

The Santa Claus parade in Ottawa will not feature an appearance by the Girl Guides (GGC), because the organization’s head office is forbidding them from doing so.

The CEO of GGC said that the parade, and other Christmas-related activities, are off-limits to its members because the organization does not allow religion.

Participating in activities that have a connection to a specific religious celebration are not part of the program offering at GGC,” CEO Shannon Benner said in a statement sent to local media.

Rex Glacer, a veteran of the Canadian Air Force, slammed the decision on X, calling it “beyond disgusting.” Many other conservatives shared similar sentiments.

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  • Pierre G. Joly
    Pierre G. Joly
    October 24, 2023 at 9:18 am

    Shame on you Shannon Benner for depriving these young girls from the enjoyment of Christmas. Christmas is a celebration for all of us, and not only for politically correct snobs like you. I hope you have a dark Christmas.

    • Ed Allin
      Ed Allin
      October 24, 2023 at 7:38 pm

      Agreed !

  • Pamela McColl
    October 25, 2023 at 6:27 pm

    Santa Claus is an elf – his reindeer magical beings. Santa Claus is a fictional character – the most famous character in the entire library of English literature. His story – Twas The Night Before Christmas turns 200 this year and has been enjoyed by ten generations of children, translated into every major language including Yiddish. To suggest that he is a religious character is mistaken. He is a secular character designated as such by the US Supreme Court no less, allowed to be on display in schools, public buildings and outdoor public lands. In fact his presence is encouraged as are other symbols of holiday celebration including faith based items under the provisions of the freedom of free speech and freedom of religious expression. The Girl Guides are wrong in their position to not participate in the Santa Claus Parades out of an ideological stand on inclusion. In fact their actions result in the complete opposite. As one who celebrates Christmas with all the trimmings I consider this act a harsh insult to western culture, and literature, and an outright insult to all who choose to celebrate the dark winter Canadian days with the joy and spirit of a happy Christmas and that includes the anticipation and delight that the arrival of Santa holds. Bah humbug Girl Guides. My grandchildren will not be joining your close minded and authoritarian enterprise now or ever. You can not cancel Christmas, nor the joy and charity of the season.
    PS St. Nicholas on whom the character is inspired did many tremendous charitable acts – he is to be remembered and remain a source of inspiration for many,

    • Patricia Costey-Henry
      Patricia Costey-Henry
      October 28, 2023 at 5:00 pm

      Christmas is a Christian holiday. This bunch of secular lunatics should be burnt at the stake. Oh yes! go to the pride parade, girl guides, you are permitted. Learn how to expose yourselves. Who the hell do you think is making these policies. Not normal healthy people. I don’t care what adults do in their bedrooms or behind closed doors. But don’t stuff it down our throats and flaunt your bodies all over the country. The rest of us don’t. May be these nuts who make these policies should read the bible. Obviously they are clueless. This secular bull has gone far enough. We ought to stand up and show this country there are more than the truckers who have a say in our lives. Thank you truckers. You have given me hope.


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