Don Cherry was a big fan of Donald Trump – Ron MacLean

The well-renowned hockey commentator was reportedly a big fan of the Republican Party leader.

Don Cherry, famous for being cancelled for his pro-veteran stance, was known to gush over former US president Donald Trump.

Ron MacLean, Cherry’s longtime sidekick, revealed during an interview with Sportsnet that Cherry would enjoy watching Trump’s speeches.

“I mean, we would sit after a Stanley Cup playoff games in the final years watching Fox News and Trump’s speeches. Don loved those, he took great inspiration from the way Trump marketed.

I was the other guy. I was what he would describe as the ‘left-wing, pinko communist kook.'”

MacLean fell out of favour with conservatives in Canada after he failed to defend his longtime sidekick from the outrage mob, instead opting to apologize for Cherry’s pro-poppy stance in an effort to save his own career.

Cherry told Toronto Sun reporter Joe Warmington that the two were no longer friends after the debacle. However, MacLean claims that despite their troubled past, the two still stay in touch.

Don Cherry’s name continues to trend on and off on X (Twitter). The reasons for this vary, with the recent trend appearing to pertain to Cherry’s support of veterans while he was still employed by Hockey Night in Canada.

Toronto 99 previously reported on Cherry’s history of charitable work, including raising awareness of the importance of organ donations.

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