Petition launched to fire WOKE Halton teacher Frank Domenic

Parents have had enough of far-left teachers brainwashing their children, and are ready to fight back.

Toronto 99 has launched a petition demanding that the Halton District School Board (HDSB) fire TikTok influencer and far-left radical Frank Domenic from his teaching position.

Domenic came under fire from conservative influencers on social media for bragging about teaching his students about far-left political talking points, including Marxism and gender ideology.

Toronto Sun journalist Joe Warmington slammed Domenic in a recent article, writing “you may not learn math, science or English in Mr. Cirinna’s high school class, but you will be taught about Marxism, wealth inequality and intersectionality.”

Despite deleting the video, Domenic has remained unrepentant, and is still employed by the HDSB, free to teach kids about his brand of politics.

This petition demands the HDSB do the right thing, and fire Domenic, preventing him from poisoning the minds of any more students.

Fire Woke Teacher Frank Domenic

No WOKE Teachers In Halton Schools

It has come to our attention that Halton District School Board employs Frank Domenic, a teacher that has been called out by the Toronto Sun for smearing parents concerned about their kids' education by calling them 'snowflakes' and 'dinosaurs.'

Domenic claims that he teaches Marxism, and other left-wing political talking points in a public school.

Further, he joked about starting a petition to 'make Islamophobia mandatory,' contradicting his alleged left-wing stance.

This teacher is clearly unhinged, and has no place being anywhere near students.

Woke politics have no place in classrooms, and parents have every right to be involved in their kids' education.

This petition demands the Halton District School Board do the right thing, and fire Frank Domenic.


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39 signatures

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