Trudeau closer to prison as ArriveCan scandal deepens

While the prime minister has a knack for dodging accountability, his days as a free man may be numbered.

The noose continues to tighten around Justin Trudeau‘s neck as his political rival Pierre Poilievre demands an expanded investigation into the failed ArriveCan app.

In a letter dated Tuesday to the RCMP commissioner, Poilievre claims an investigation by the auditor general into the ArriveCan app “exposed corruption, mismanagement and misconduct on a massive scale.”

While the Conservative Party (CPC) leader fell short of accusing the prime minister of criminal wrongdoing, an investigation into the app could lead to potential charges and even jail time for Trudeau.

The CPC claims on its website that the Trudeau government wasted millions of dollars on an app that didn’t work properly and lead to innocent Canadians being “quarantined, falsely detained, and harassed without reason.”

Trudeau has dodged criminal charges in the past, having narrowly escaped prosecution for his illegal vacation to Aga Khan’s island. As such, he has earned the nickname “Teflon Trudeau.”

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