PETITION: Deport ALL illegal immigrants now

#DeportThemALL: Deport all illegal immigrants from Canada now - Petition by Mark Slapinski

The time to deport troublemakers and gang rapists from Canada is now.

A new petition has been launched, targeting Trudeau’s immigration minister, that demands all illegal immigrants be deported from Canada.

Estimates peg the current number of illegal / undocumented immigrants at 600,000, as was reported by Toronto 99.

Liberal MP Marc Miller wants to let them stay, opening the door for more illegal immigrants to come in and cause problems in our society.

Canada has a process for legal immigration that all people need to follow. Let’s not incentivize criminals, gang rapists, and murderers that see Canada as a safe haven for their criminality.

Deport all illegal immigrants NOW

It is time to deport all illegal immigrants from Canada

Canada is being overrun by illegal immigrants that make our cities unsafe.

The mayor of Calgary recently proposed letting them vote in the next election.

Immigration Minister Marc Miller wants to give them a free pass to stay.

We will stop them before they do more damage.

This petition demands Marc Miller and the Trudeau government do the right thing:


%%your signature%%

30 signatures

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