Vladimir Putin wants to host Nuremberg 2.0 trials – The People’s Voice

An independent media outlet has made outrageous claims about the Russian president and the global elite.

Russian president Vladimir Putin reportedly plans to host “Nuremberg 2.0” trials and hold elite figures such as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros accountable for various alleged crimes, as was reported by independent media.

Independent journalist Baxter Dmitry made the claims in a recent article on The People’s Voice:

The globalist cabal are criminals who attempted to take over the world in a coup d’etat according to Russian President Vladimir Putin who warned the elite that their New World Order has failed and they must pay the price for their crimes against humanity.

The real question is: just how far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go? Are you ready to uncover what Putin has in store for Schwab, Gates, Soros, and the liberal elite in the U.S.—the ones failed in their coup de’tat? The ones who crossed borders while committing atrocities that could well be called crimes against humanity, in clear violation of international law?”

Read the full article by Baxter Dmitry of The People’s Voice here.

Dmitry did not provide any evidence for his claims, and Toronto 99 has been unable to independently verify whether the Russian president actually said this.

The website claims the article has been “fact-checked” and it has been widely circulated on social media. However, the credibility of The People’s Voice is in question.

While The People’s Voice can be described as an independent media outlet that publishes stories the mainstream media chooses not to, others have accused it of spreading “tin foil hat conspiracies.”

Media Bias Fact Check has labelled the website a “questionable source,” claiming that The People’s Voice has “zero credibility due to the routine publishing of fake news.”


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