HERO: Rex Murphy trends after publishing another perfect article about Justin Trudeau

The conservative superstar makes waves with the stroke of a pen, and liberals are not happy about it.

Rhodes scholar and acclaimed columnist Rex Murphy took the Canadian prime minister to task for his government’s incompetence in its handling of the ongoing Chinese interference scandal in his latest article.

In his piece, titled Strange and sad days in Canadian democracy, the conservative superstar had some harsh words for the Liberal Party, writing:

Incompetent used to be a powerful word. But when we hear the head of Canada’s national security agency tell Canadians that it was only by reading the Globe and Mail that she learned of threats to MPs, incompetent is really too weak to cover the failure.

A spy service that gets key information about threats to Canadian democracy only after it has been published in a newspaper is full Pink Panther and Inspector Clouseau.

Then there was the selection of former governor general David Johnston by the prime minister as a “special rapporteur” to investigate the foreign interference and determine if a public inquiry was warranted.

Trudeau anointed Johnston as his personal lightning rod to receive, or at minimum to divert or channel, the extreme voltage of anger and mistrust that rightly is only his to receive and bear.

And Johnston, now defying a vote of Parliament to step aside, has obligingly poured water under his own feet, the better to amplify the shock. Strange and sad days.

Read the full article by Rex Murphy of the National Post here.

Naturally, the left was not happy with the columnist’s latest piece, resorting to their usual attacks, which include name-calling.

I can’t wait for the weekend that Rex Murphy is trending because he has died,” wrote one offended liberal.

“Rex Murphy has always been a cranky, old, extreme [right-wing nut job],” wrote another.

It is likely that none of these people bothered to read the article, because if they did, they’d understand Murphy made some great points about Trudeau’s incompetence.

NOTE: This article, including the headline, contains the author’s opinion. Read more about our editorial standards.

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1 Comment

  • Anne jamieson
    Anne jamieson
    May 9, 2024 at 10:46 pm

    Get rid of this whacked out nut job, he’s a waste of skin


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