Danielle Smith lays groundwork for Alberta to separate

The Premier of Alberta has laid the groundwork for the province to separate itself from the Federal government.

Will Alberta become its own country? If Premier Danielle Smith and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau can’t reach an agreement on energy development, she will do her best to make that a reality.

By passing the Alberta Sovereignty Act, Smith has laid the groundwork for the province to defy orders from the Federal government.

While the Alberta government website makes it clear that the act does not give the province the power to separate, it will allow Alberta to function as an independent state within Canada’s borders.

As Rick Bell, columnist for the Calgary Sun, has pointed out, Premier Smith is willing to use the act if talks with Trudeau and his subordinates fall through.

In a recent article titled Danielle Smith is prepared to use sovereignty act on Trudeau, the columnist writes:

The premier says the law of the land is very clear. Alberta has the right to develop its resources in its own way. The sovereignty act allows Alberta to refuse to enforce harmful federal policies.

Smith goes further. If the sovereignty act is triggered she thinks the Supreme Court of Canada will side with Alberta.

The people of Alberta have long been at odds with the Federal government. While full separation from Canada is unlikely to happen anytime soon, Premier Smith has shown that she’s not afraid to stand up to the Liberal, Alberta-hating bullies in Ottawa.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated Rick Bell writes for the Calgary Star. The article has been updated to include the correct publication. Read more about our editorial standards.

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  • Anne Newman
    Anne Newman
    June 15, 2023 at 12:14 pm

    Saskatchewan would join Alberta, We need Manitoba for sea access and they can be convinced. People would flee Ontario towards Alberta in a heartbeat.

    • Terry Duerks
      Terry Duerks
      June 16, 2023 at 9:05 pm

      Anne, Manitoba will not allow the use of Hudson Bay. I personally contacted them and they have no interest in helping export oil and gas from Alberta.

    • Mike
      June 17, 2023 at 10:29 am

      That is a fallacy, there are international laws for landlocked countries to get their goods to coast. As much as Dictator Trudeau is, even he can’t refuse them.

  • John Zylstra
    John Zylstra
    June 15, 2023 at 12:15 pm

    You have overstated it. But there is no doubt that a battle must be fought. The federal infringements on provincial jurisdictions on the flimsiest of excuses make a mockery of the Canadian constitutional division of powers, and the constitution as a whole. What is the point of division of powers if the feds can find any flimsy excuse to over ride, subvert, or mess with it? Resources are clearly provincial. Environment, since it primarily also deals with resources, is also clearly provincial. As are healthcare and education and transportation. The feds do not have any control over air movement whatsoever, so that cannot be justification for any federal jurisdiction over normal indistinguishable atmospheric components such as CO2 or H2O vapor.

  • Bob
    June 16, 2023 at 4:13 pm

    Trudeau may have no authority https://youtu.be/OFH3PT33bvk

  • Gary Buchkowsky
    Gary Buchkowsky
    June 17, 2023 at 5:06 pm

    I’m an albertan, I think the majority of albertans want a separation from Trudeau. It’s really unfortunate that Trudeau is clearly not working for us Canadians, he’s working to execute the WEF agenda. This WEF agenda will turn all the first world countries into third world countries, the middle class will cease to exist. If Canadians want to keep their standard of living, they need to wake up and understand what is happening. This “Climate Emergency”, agenda will only make the environment worse, Alberta has the best emissions standards in the world, bottom line, Alberta should be able to produce and supply energy to the world, it will make, and keep, Canadians prosperous, while being the best for the environment.

    • Cherry
      June 18, 2023 at 10:15 pm

      I’m Albertan , and we are all for separation!!!! Everyone is so sick of Liberals destroying livelihoods, and our rights!
      Smith can make this province prosper even more, ppl could afford to live, and raise our children the way we see fit! And guaranteed there would be next to nothing for crime rate and homelessness. Trudeau has created this mess! Alberta is a threat to him, Let’s just show him how strong we are and how fast we can crumble his delusional agenda

  • Albert out
    Albert out
    June 19, 2023 at 12:00 am

    Alberta can be out of Canada in a month,,just quit paying income tax,credit cards and mortgages..the dollar would collapse…and Alberta uses USA currency..done.

  • Micheal Mandeville
    Micheal Mandeville
    June 20, 2023 at 8:57 am

    As an Albertan, I realize that without our First Nations brothers and sisters full cooperation Alberta is doomed and the Federal government will use them as a tool to override any and all attempts for Albertan srlf governance , 80% of Alberta is known as Crown Land or a.k.a. Indian land. This is the only reason the federal government have named themselves Stuwart’s of the Indian treaties it’s their ace up their sleeve so to speak to override provincial jurisdiction. Now that being said there is enough evidence for First Nations people of Alberta Saskatchewan and Manitoba to prove their case that the treaties with the Crown have not been honoured as originally intended for the Indian people by the government of Canada thus creating a full breach of Contract by the government of Canada and the Crown, so that being Said the Indian Nations are in their full rights to unite under one unified laminated arrow and retake all their lands from coast to coast to coast and choose the best path forward for their peoples and the land given to them to Stuwart over by the creator since the dawn of time. This is where the provincial leaderships need to focus their attention and work with the Indian nations within their traditional territories on a path moving forward , but any form of governance must involve all parties so that even the smallest voices will be represented in this new arrangement . This is the key to sovereign nations and it will not be achieved by way of career politicians with long histories of corruption, no this will only be achieved “by the people”. and with all their representatives at the table to reach a consensus on the path forward. Canada is no more and never was for that matter.

  • Jared Bohnet
    Jared Bohnet
    July 4, 2023 at 12:16 am

    Pretty sure Rick Bell writes for the Sun, not the Star. Want to be credible? Get all the little details correct.


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