#ChargeZexiLi: Prosecute Freedom Convoy hater for perjury

The lead plaintiff in the class-action lawsuit against freedom-loving truckers was caught red-handed lying on the stand.

Toronto 99 has launched a petition directed at the Ontario Attorney General demanding Ottawa resident Zexi Li be charged criminally for perjury.

Li is the lead plaintiff in the class-action lawsuit against Freedom Convoy participants and organizers, which seeks over $200 million in damages from multiple defendants.

Li is also a witness in the ongoing criminal trial against Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich. It has been brought to the attention of Toronto 99 that Li committed perjury on the witness stand, struggling to stick to the same story.

Canadian blog The Post Millennial has journalists covering the trial as it happens in Ottawa. “Lead plaintiff against Canadian Freedom Convoy leaves court in tears after contradicting previous testimony,” reported journalist David Krayden.

The article by Krayden suggests that Li committed perjury on the stand, and became emotional after being called out for giving conflicting reports on the events in Ottawa.

Journalists from American news outlet the New York Times and British news outlet Reuters were in Ottawa during the Freedom Convoy protest. Both outlets acknowledged that the protest was loud, but mostly peaceful.

It is important to note that both media outlets do not receive media bailouts from the Trudeau government, and are less likely to biased against Canadian conservatives and right-wing causes.

Perjury is a serious criminal offence in Canada, punishable by indictment and up to 14 years in prison. If the Attorney General or crown prosecutor’s office determines Li did in fact commit perjury, she should be held criminally responsible for her actions.

The petition targets Doug Downey, the sitting Attorney General of Ontario. It asks him to review the available evidence, and to refer a criminal charge of perjury to the crown prosecutor’s office in Ottawa.

UPDATE: This article was updated on Oct. 21 to include more context about Zexi Li’s testimony and the events that occurred in Ottawa during the Freedom Convoy. Toronto 99 continues to speak to journalists reporting on the trial and is carefully reviewing Li’s testimony for errors, inconsistencies, and outright falsehoods. Read more about our editorial standards.

Do you support this cause? Consider a small donation. If you can’t afford to donate, consider sharing this petition on your favourite social media platform!

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  • Laurence Ho
    Laurence Ho
    October 21, 2023 at 7:51 pm

    I’m so happy upon learning that Toronto99 has begun doing something about this Zexi Li character. Right from day one this person had irked me to the max. I mean who does she think she is trying to stop a peaceful protest movement? Thank you for heading off this petition. It’s long overdue.

  • layla max
    layla max
    November 19, 2023 at 9:49 am

    Zexi Li Must be charged with Perjury she is a threat to our democracy and rule of law Zexi Li feels she is above the rules and laws of Canada #Deport this terrorist #TrueauForTreason

  • Tamara2u
    December 16, 2023 at 11:57 am

    More than Zexi Li committed perjury…Trudeau, Freeland, Mandicino, HELL most of them lied.


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