Majority of Canadians believe the MSM is dishonest – Leger

Canadians no longer trust the mainstream media to report on the news honestly, according to a recent poll.

A majority of Canadians, 55%, believe that the mainstream media “manipulates information,” according to a recent poll by Leger.

This aligns with other research that indicates trust in the mass media is declining, partially due to its long history of failed fact-checks.

Toronto 99 has dedicated a whole section of its website to fact-checking the mainstream media, providing numerous examples of erroneous reports, some of which remain uncorrected at the time of writing.

Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre has vowed to defund one of the worst offenders for pro-Liberal disinformation, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), if elected prime minister.

Toronto 99 previously reported on how the CBC did Trudeau’s bidding by publishing false and biased stories about the Freedom Convoy in 2022.

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  • Mark's Micropenis
    Mark's Micropenis
    December 6, 2023 at 6:53 pm

    Hey Mark everyone is saying that you have a micropenis, is it true? I read about it on Rebel News.

  • fun4u
    December 8, 2023 at 3:30 pm

    UK the IPA.
    Online Safety Bill and Investigatory Powers Act

    C-18 ?
    C-11 Podcast registry?

    Canadian Public Law’s C-36, C-57, and America’s Smith Mundt Modernization Act, cog, ndaa, patriot act
    — POLAND
    Polish Anti-War Debates are a kind of phenomenon. Even though Poland is not formally a belligerent, there is strict war censorship there.

    Bill C-18 Overhauls Journalists Pay: Up to 116% Increase in Salaries Supported by Canadian Government.
    In a recent budget announcement, Freiland Bitch revealed a comprehensive set of measures signaling significant financial support for Canadian journalists. The Trudeau government is set to cover a substantial 55% of journalists’ salaries, albeit with a notable twist—this aid is exclusively directed towards newspapers and news organizations deemed “reliable.”

    Secret Service has the right to limit access to independent media without giving a reason. The recent amendment to the Penal Code introduced the categories of “unconscious espionage” and “disinformation”, i.e. “dissemination of false or misleading information with the aim of causing serious disruptions in the system or economy of the Republic of Poland , an allied state or an international organisation of which the Republic of Poland is a member”.

    Simply: any criticism of pro-Kiev policy or NATO activities is punishable in Poland with a prison sentence of up to 8 years.
    — POLAND

  • fun4u
    December 8, 2023 at 3:32 pm

    in USA…
    18 USC 1001b
    smith mundt modernization act
    patriot act


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